Join the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch!
Date: 24 – 26 January 2025
Log the birds that land in your garden

Thames 21 Chiswick Eyot Conservation Day
Saturday 9th November 2024 – 10.30am to 2.30 pm
Chiswick Eyot – Draw dock at the bottom of Chiswick Lane where it meets Chiswick Mall around the corner from Fuller’s Brewery, London
Nov 2024

Duck Food For Sale
Duck and swan food is available to buy in the Tea House. All proceeds to Friends of Bishops Park to fund small projects, such as planting, around the park. The food is specially formulated to supplement their natural diet, the food also sinks to the bottom, not floating to the sides like bread, so discourages rats and other vermin.
Food from Ark Wildlife – click here

5.00pm for 5.30pm Start
The AGM 2023 minutes can be found in the Newsletter section of the website.

Parks Survey
The Council are running a survey about the parks. Please take the time to complete it:
Survey: Click HERE

Storm Damage
You can report any fallen trees or damage in H&F to the Highways and Environment teams on 020 8748 8588. More emergency Out of Hours contact information can be found here: https://www.lbhf.gov.uk/emergencies-and-safety/emergency-out-hours-information

To view the PDF supplied by Permablitz (Moat Garden) on how to grow on your seeds click here. These seeds will be planted out in the Moat Garden when ready.

The Council are in the process of considering the use of the Events Circle, and we will update as soon as we hear about the return of the market and other events.
Response from the Richard Gill, Senior Parks Manager:
The Council has not decided to close the market permanently.
Due to the ongoing pressure on space in our parks from the increased footfall, it continues to be difficult at times to maintain social distancing. As a result, the reintroduction of concessions in parks, i.e. farmers markets ,fairs , ice cream vans, coffee carts etc, was discussed at the Councils Technical Assurance Group (TAG) for CoVid on Wednesday 7th April. The outcome of the meeting was:
- that until such time the pressure on space diminishes, or, until all CoVid restrictions are lifted, concessions should not return.
- that priority should be given to organised sport , fitness, and school classes.
As a result, the farmers markets will not be able to resume as originally planned from week beginning 12 April.
Furthermore , we are also going to take this opportunity to review the purpose of the markets and develop a new set of outcomes for operators to deliver, to meet the council’s priorities. Once this has been developed, the opportunity to operate markets in council parks, will then be advertised through a competitive tender process. A timetable for the tender process will be available in due course.
Richard Gill, Senior Parks Manager

Following on from the Moat Garden Survey a zoom meeting was held on 25th March outlining the results and plans for this area. If you would like to watch the meeting please click on the link below.
We covered:
- your ideas and improvements from the survey and project plans
- a community planting day in April of the flowers we’ll start sowing this evening!
- a demonstration to how to sow the flower seeds, then bring to plant in the Garden.
To view a pdf of the presentation click here
Alex Laird – Moat Garden co-ordinator for Friends of Bishops Park alsl@btinternet.com 020 7736 8975.