The work in Fielders Meadow has started. Fulham Football Club are completely aware of the concern that park users have about the trees and habitat in that area of the park. However if you have any issues that you would like addressed please email:
Enclosed is a summary of comments drawn up by Ian Ross, Parks Manager to some of the most frequently asked questions to the planning application that have been emailed to him. Please click this 2019 summary of S123 comments FINAL (2) comp to read the summary in detail.
During the consultationThe Friends requested another gate opposite Ellerby to be installed these should be open and operational now. We have also requested a new dog water tap and path across the meadow for the winter season and to make the walk a circle as before.
The Friends are also keeping a weathered eye on any alterations to the planning application and are aware of the most current one: 2019/01880/VAR, if you have any particular issues we suggest that you complete the comment section by clicking this Link.

Dear Members,
The council have given approval to the works at Fulham Football Club, they have also given approval for the Club to section of a part of Fielders Meadow for their ‘Works Compound’ and for this FFC will be paying for the use. The Church Commissioners have not yet fully signed off on everything and they are fully cognizant of the details and concerns of the residents regarding the Park. There has been a recently agreed extension to submission date for everyone to comment is now 24th April 2019.
The Friends have been active in talking to the Council (employees and Councillors) FFC and the Church Commissions to represent your interests. There are a few areas of concern to us set out in our letters in reply these are now on our website/ links below in full and cover such matters as the finances, compound use and landscaping and many practicalities during the time the compound is in existence and afterwards.
To read in fuller detail please see the letters below.
first letter response to mitigation march 28th
second letter response to mitigation april 12th 2019 (2)
Notes from meeting with Ian Ross Parks Officer 8 april 2019
Please note our fundraising is continuing for the Rose Garden Rejuvenation. Spacehive Link
Fulham Football Club
The Council has agreed after much lobbying to extend the Consultation date from 5th April to 18th April. If you have any views on the Club’s use of part of Bishop’s Park please email: before 18th April.
If you would like to view details of the proposed works visit:
If you would like to read the letter and accompanying Q&A notes from LBH&F please click on links below:
H&F let merged 2 – Letter from council to residents, dated 22 March, received 29 March 2019
Q&A MR_03 – Questions and Answers regarding Fulham Football Club’s use of part of Fielders Meadow from Ian Ross, Parks Manager LBH&F